About Equality

Talk about just anything from politics to science, society, the typical thai girl, etc., or just gossip about. It doesn't need anything to do with Korat, Isaan or Thailand at all.
Rudi (†2019)
Beiträge: 147
Registriert: Mi Nov 14, 2012 2:05 pm

About Equality

Ungelesener Beitragvon Rudi (†2019) » Mo Jun 13, 2016 9:40 am

Before God, we are all equal. God loves us all and does not differentiate not even between Christians and Moslem's, or between Moslem's and Jews.

God gave each human being the free will for a free decision - for or against Him, to accept His law or to create our own law.
Through the disobedience of the laws of God, mankind has created its astral law. This law says: What you sow is what you will reap. This law, the law of cause and effect, also called law of karma, is valid for all men, no matter what their religion, confession or philosophy may be.

Everyone carries full responsibility himself for what he does. For this reason, we should remain impartial. As soon as we take sides, we reject one and declare our solidarity with the other. In this way, the one is condemned and the other supported. This can result in hatred and even in the hatred of one's brother, which can lead to fratricide.

Jesus gave the Christians the task to carry His word of love and truth into the whole world. What did the church authorities do instead of this? They mocked and jeered at their Lord and God with their words and deeds.

Have the Christian churches taken their task seriously? Or have they taken part in the political events in the world in order to attain power and influence themselves? Was it the task of the Christian churches to acquire gold and goods and to collect treasures, which moths and rust feed upon?

The Christian churches have mocked and slandered the teaching of Christ through what they did in the last centuries and still do today. They misuse the name of Christ for their own unchristian purposes.

Jesus of Nazareth taught, "He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword". He also said: "Love your enemies and do well to those who hate you:" Those who call themselves Christians must have accepted the teachings of Jesus of Christ. To accept a teaching means to follow it.

Who is that Jesus whom so many "Christians" are following? Surely not the Jesus of Nazareth who lived in Israel and brought the teaching of love and mercy!

Why are the Jewish people still waiting for their Messiah? It seems that they want a Messiah who proclaims a teaching which fits with the way of thinking of the ones in power.

The Spirit of Christ lives within each one of us, whether we call ourselves, Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus or Buddhists.

In spite of all that happened, no person has the right to judge his neighbour - not even the church authorities. We cannot say that this or that one is guilty. Should we not beat upon our own breast and ask ourselves: What can we still do? It is correct to list and uncover what has happened. It is correct to point out the law of cause and effect. However, no one has the right to judge another person.

He who does not enter the innermost of his temple by fulfilling the teachings of Christ, the laws of selfless love, will continue to haggle in the forecourt and to forge the weapons of hatred, envy and hostility, which will bring forth, again and again, hatred towards one's brother and his murder.

It is high time that this materialistic world perishes and with it all those who have oppressed human beings and the earth with its animals, plants and stones, and have slaughtered life.

More to read: rudipaulschwanen.blogspot.com

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